Thanks for sharing your info, as you are a CPSU member, you should call the MSC on 1300 137 636, open 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday to receive tailored support.
Almost all public sector workers in the ACT are able to join as a member of the CPSU (Community and Public Sector Union). The CPSU covers employees from a wide range of industries including the Federal, ACT and NT public services.
When CPSU members join together in the workplace to negotiate, they get a better deal The more members, the more that member can achieve together.
CPSU members have access to our Member Service Centre (MSC), where experienced industrial organiser can provide you with advice, assistance and representation.
If you have sustained an injury or been made sick by your work, you should contact the Member Service Centre for advice and support on 1300 137 636, open 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday.